Who are we?
NPO Nepal Volunteer Social Service was established in 2009AD/2065B.S. to contribute in the sectors such as poverty, health, illiteracy, skill , mental & physical development of the disabled, helpless & children etc, with the motive of social service and discarding political an individual interests. N.P.O. full form is ‘Non-profit Organization’ The NPO Nepal VSS organization is registered in Kathmandu district, but working in other districts of Rural Municipality’s remote villages for better educational facilities & improvements supports.
NPO Nepal VSS members are all tourism profession’s member. Our organization members do not look for income from organization. Mostly during the tourism off-season time we do social work activities We are trying best to do free volunteering activities for any projects planned.
Our vision and missions:
NPO Nepal VSS aims to open up the doors of equality and opportunity for the disadvantaged and marginal community people and children by providing them with support, help and aid in any form possible.
NPO Nepal VSS’s mission is to build a equal and adjustable society of disabled people and children and a society that provides respect and equal opportunity to the marginalized community as well.
Our Objectives
To assist orphans and helpless children.
To upgrade the living standards of depressed communities.
To provide equal educational opportunities.
To provide social services to communities in remote areas, e.g. school building and maintenance, clean water & good sanitation facilities, first aid/Clinic centers, monasteries, etc
To provide materials and educational aids to schools in remote areas.
To preserve the natural environment of Nepal.
To provide Solar or Sub-hydroelectric power light in remote areas of Nepal.